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  • Easy to use
  • Remote control functionality
  • Compatible with various boats
  • Secure and sturdy design

Minn Kota DeckHand Anchor Winch

Opinia użytkowników:
Minn Kota Deckhand 40 Anchor Winch is a great product that is easy to use and works great. It is a life saver for those who need to move an anchor quickly, and it is a great price. It is also easy to install and comes with a corded remote.
Ikona Porównaj produkty
The Minn Kota DeckHand Anchor Winch is a must-have for any boater who wants to raise their anchor with ease. With an anti-drag system that senses the bottom, this winch allows for controlled drifting and can handle anchors weighing up to 2040 lbs. It comes pre-spooled with 100' of nylon rope and features a stow and deploy switch integrated int…
The Minn Kota DeckHand Anchor Winch is a must-have for any boater who wants to raise their anchor with ease. With an anti-drag system that senses the bottom, this winch allows for controlled drifting and can handle anchors weighing up to 2040 lbs. It comes pre-spooled with 100' of nylon rope and features a stow and deploy switch integrated into the base of the unit.
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Podsumowanie przeglądu

Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
Minn Kota Deckhand 40 Anchor Winch is a great product that is easy to use and works great. It is a life saver for those who need to move an anchor quickly, and it is a great price. It is also easy to install and comes with a corded remote.


  • Easy to use
  • Remote control functionality
  • Compatible with various boats
  • Secure and sturdy design


  • Plastic gears
  • Difficult installation
  • Remote control issues
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The Minn Kota DeckHand Anchor Winch is a must-have for any boater who wants to raise their anchor with ease. With an anti-drag system that senses the bottom, this winch allows for controlled drifting and can handle anchors weighing up to 2040 lbs. It comes pre-spooled with 100' of nylon rope and features a stow and deploy switch integrated into the base of the unit.

Cechy produktu

Rope Size100' of 800-lb.-test nylon rope
Capacity20-40 lb. anchor
TypeAnchor Winch
FeaturesAnti-drag system, anchor shackle, manual circuit breaker
StyleDeckHand Anchor Winch
WarrantyManufacturer's 2-year limited warranty
BrandMinn Kota
MaterialNylon rope
ControlStow and deploy switch
Power12V battery
Mounting TypeDavit
InstallationDavit can mount at base of DeckHand or in remote position on deck